Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Got Bushwhacked Again...

Some days I just feel like crawling under the table and licking my wounds where nobody will notice...especially when I have to hang around the place where I played stupid tennis and got bushwhacked like crazy - 8 games to 1, to be precise - and then pretending it doesn't matter at all. I'm not blaming anyone for that state of affairs, however. I can honestly say I did it to myself.

For starters, I failed to play the way I should have and then, I started rushing to hit winners...BIG mistake. I ended up making more errors than necessary. The only positives I can  take away from the situation are that -

1. Now I know how to serve a good slice serve (too bad I only found out when I was already 1-7 down).

2. I know where and why I always screw up my smash. I don't turn my body and get into position quickly enough after seeing where the ball is going.

3. I shouldn't ever doubt my backhand again but hit out freely (without trying to bomb the ball) - or play my skidder backhand the way it's meant to be played instead of trying to place the ball with an abbreviated stroke that doesn't produce enough pace.

4. Never attack the net off a crosscourt forehand if I'm not already in the middle of the court.

5. How to deal with my blood sugar problem (NEVER do a Number One in the loo just ten minutes before playing - AND drink plenty of sports drinks to replenish the electrolytes I lose).

6. There is a time, a proper way and a place to hit a topspin drive-volley and chasing the ball on the full stretch is NOT one of them!

Oh well, back to the drawing board and think about next year again, I guess...

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