Saturday, January 11, 2014

55 At Last!

Not many people welcome being 55, I fancy, but I do. Maybe it's just me being perverse again, but in spite of everything that's been going on - aches, injuries, illness and all - I actually welcome being 55 and being able to call myself a senior citizen at last.

It seems like a good time to take stock of things and plan for whatever remains of the future. I'm still determined to lose enough weight so that when I finally conk off, the undertaker won't mistake me for a pig and put me in the wrong oven. I'd still like to play much, much better tennis - not being too ambitious and learning to play with what I can do best rather than trying to hit every kind of stroke that exists seems the only way for me to go at this point. I just don't have the talent or coordination to do more than keep everything simple and focus on getting the ball back in the right place with what I already have in my repertoire. So, I guess no more superduper half-volley topspin backhand winners (I only manage to pull that off once every hundred times, anyway.)

More importantly, I really should bunk my children's - sorry, Young Adults' book off to a few publishers and try to get that out before Christmas 2014. It's been 10 years since I started on it and in between writing the second and third books of the trilogy, I've still been fiddling away with the first one. I'm too much of a perfectionist, I know, especially when it comes to fiction. I'm far less fussy with my non-fiction and I've never had much difficulty getting those published, even if they come out under someone else's name. But then, writing and trying to get published a good story under my own name is much more personal and like any parent, I want what's best for my first story book.

In the mean time, I did manage to get rid of a couple of pounds of fat. Hopefully, I'll manage another one or two pounds every week or so.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day 2014

So a new year begins today and I am just two pounds short of hitting the two hundred mark - the closest I have ever come to it in the last ten years. Not the most pleasant thought and if ever drastic action were needed immediately to correct the situation, now is the time, surely.

So I'm going to make just one resolution for 2014, and that is to bring my weight down to 180 lbs or less by the beginning of May at the latest. Why May? Because the Penang Closed Championship is scheduled for that month and after playing that, I'm going on holiday in Pattaya for at least two weeks! I do not intend to resemble a basking whale when I hit the beach there. Someone might try to harpoon me!